All Privacy Evo options

Compose your personalized service by selecting the needed options from those available

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

The DPIA is performed using the CNIL methodology. The automatic acquisition of the information already in the project allows the drafters (editor, reviser, validator) to easily find the data on the processing being analysed and those of the risk analysis performed.

Moving local/cloud project

Moving the project from local position to the cloud, and vice versa, can be done independently for all the projects in your account. In the first case you must have a free cloud slot available before performing that procedure.

Multilingual management

Multilingual management allows you to enter information and produce documents in the 24 official EU languages as well as Luxembourgish, Norwegian and Icelandic. It includes full support, including pre-entered data and user interface, of the Italian and English languages.

Automatic translation

The automatic translation of the text fields in the application, which requires the activation of the multilingual option as a requirement, is performed through the Google LLC service from and to the 24 official languages of the European Union and can be modified by the user.

Data breaches management

Data breaches management allows for the semi-automatic collection of all the information needed for the complete definition of the violation. The data retrieved is encoded in order to generate one or more reports that can also be used for notification to the Supervisory Authority.

Personnel training management

Personnel training management allows you to plan and manage training events with or without learning verification, operated independently or with other appointed subjects. The tool includes the management of student attendance and attendance certificates.

Additional user

Additional user in addition to those included in all versions to allow access to the application and all the projects in the account to other people in your organization. User permissions, also for access to projects, are managed by the program administrator.

External user for project access

External user in addition to those included in all versions and any additional ones present, to be used to allow access to a single project to people outside your organization. User permissions are freely manageable by the program administrator.

Additional document templates

Package of document templates and additional styles in addition to those included in all versions, to expand the availability of document structures and graphic and text styles from which to freely create all the document templates that meet your needs.

Additional cloud storage space

Additional cloud storage space in addition to the one included in all versions, to store your own document archive generated with the program. It can be purchased in 1GB blocks also from the application if its configuration allows external communication.

Features included in all versions

The features needed for any activity are included in all versions

Generation of documents required by law

The creation of all the documents required by European and national legislation takes place both for a single document and in a massive way. An alert system warns the user about the validity or obsolescence of a document in case changes in the data it contains are detected.

Customizable document templates

The predefined document templates are available for all the categories envisaged by laws and it is also possible to use them to create customized document templates down to the smallest detail and thus obtain documents that always meet your technical and style needs.

Risk analysis (ISO 27001, ISO 27701, ENISA)

The activities related to risk analysis are of particular problematic for any organization. The methods deriving from the ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 standards and also the ENISA procedure are always included in the service in order to guarantee robust and reliable analysis tools.

Storage cloud space

The cloud space for storage, included in all versions, allows you to archive all the documentation produced over time with the specific functions available, thus ensuring the correct composition and subsequent maintenance of your document archive.

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